How to Lower Blood Pressure With Alternative Medicine

How to Lower Blood Pressure With Alternative Medicine

High blood pressure can be a potentially dangerous condition when not treated. People with high blood pressure have a higher risk of heart attack and stroke. Conventional medicine in the form of prescription medications is used to lower blood pressure, but alternative medicine may also be effective. Alternative medicine used to lower blood pressure can include dietary supplements, biofeedback and relaxation techniques, acupuncture and exercise.

Things You'll Need:

Homeopathic herbs and supplements

Biofeedback practitioner


Exercise plan


Supplement your diet with homeopathic and herbal remedies to treat high blood pressure. Garlic, Hawthorn berry, Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), fish oil and folic acid have all shown to lower blood pressure in some people. These supplements can be purchased at many natural food stores, including online at (see Resources below).


Use thermal biofeedback to lower your blood pressure. Thermal biofeedback is a form of alternative medicine that measures your body temperature and helps regulate essential functions such as blood pressure, heart rate and muscle tension. Locate a biofeedback provider through the Biofeedback Certification Institute of America (BCIA) website (see Resources below).


Visit an acupuncturist who specializes in electroacupuncture, a form of alternative medicine where pressure points are stimulated electrically. This type of treatment uses needles and electric stimulation for 10 to 30 minutes per pressure point and can result in a significant drop in blood pressure levels. can help you find a provider in your area (see Resources below).


Exercise for 30 minutes at least 2 to 3 times a week to help lower your blood pressure naturally. Learn some yoga techniques or take up walking or jogging. Regular exercise may help you avoid using medications to control blood pressure.


Combine a healthy, low-fat, low-sodium diet with alternative medicine to lower blood pressure. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein in your meals. Restrict your intake of greasy, fatty foods and alcohol for best results.

Tips & Warnings

Discuss your desire to lower your blood pressure with alternative medicine with your primary care physician. Based on your medical history, he may be able to suggest some methods that are appropriate for you to use. Do not stop taking blood pressure medications without your doctor's knowledge.