How to Lose Weight Naturally Applying Ayurvedic Principles

How to Lose Weight Naturally Applying Ayurvedic Principles

Many people who are overweight continually try new programs, diets, drugs or fads that promise results but may cost a lot of money and produce minimal or only temporary results. Others attempt to change their habits and living patterns to consume less food and exercise more. But almost everyone overlooks the most basic and natural steps to gradually reduce weight and improve overall health.


Restrict the amount of food you consume. There is a natural measurement of what is acceptable for a person to eat at one time. Hold both hands together to form a cup. What will fit comfortably inside the volume is the maximum amount of food to eat in one meal. This amount of food is approximately half of the stomach's capacity.


Drink only enough liquid during a meal to fill a fourth of the stomach's capacity.


Wait 4 hours before eating again. Do not put anything in your mouth during the 4-hour period except perhaps a glass of water or cup of tea.


Stimulate each kind of taste bud in your mouth everyday. Most Americans focus on sweet and salt, but there are 4 other taste categories that are important to satisfy in order to be successful in this weight loss strategy. They are as follows: astringent, sour, pungent and bitter. Astringent refers to beans and similar vegetable proteins. Pungent refers to spicy foods, generally created by adding spices. Pungent tastes are especially important because the herbs and spices that create this taste stimulate the body's metabolism by as much as 25 percent.

Tips & Warnings

If the stomach is full, then proper digestion cannot occur, so the stomach will stretch in order to size itself to accommodate the load.

Don't beat yourself up every time you deviate from this process. If you can do it most of the time, you will improve rapidly.

If you regress, avoid binging. Too much food is one thing. Completely forgetting yourself is another.

Learn all you can about food combining. Proper combining will maximize the results from following these steps.